Monday 18 November 2013

Evaluating International Textbook

From Theory to Practice!!!

The task for this week is to use the littlejohn’s checklist to evaluate the international textbook given. What can I say is that the checklist proposed is very detailed so it’s quite time consuming since there are many details that we should really focus on when evaluating the textbook.

As I move on evaluating from one task to another, it’s suddenly reminds me the hardship of my teacher in order to make sure the exercises are really fit with our needs and how did I responded to each of the extra exercises. How disappointed was my teacher when some of the exercise papers were laying or flying on the ground. The feeling of unappreciated. After all the hardship of evaluating the appropriate materials, the students did not appreciate.. I understand the feeling now. Deep inside my heart I feel like “I am sorry teacher…” From day to day as I grow older in taking this course, I realized much that being a teacher is not easy and start to understand the feeling of my teachers back then and keep saying that THANK YOU TEACHERS!

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